How To Get Do-Follow Backlinks From LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful and useful tool for your businesses is a way to constantly
update a resume and have a professional presence online and massive opportunity to prove their
knowledge in their field and, perhaps more importantly, farm one of the most valuable assets for SEO: Do-Follow Backlink

Easy steps to get Do-Follow Backlink

1: Login or create a profile

If you have already LinkedIn ID then go to the login form and logedIn. As given below image

If you don't have Login then you have to create LinkedIn ID. While you’re here,
make sure you have a recent photo of yourself.

2. Go to Your “Edit Profile” Page

a)  “Me” icon in the top right corner. 

b) In the drop-down menu, select “View profile”

c) Near the top of the right rail on your profile  “Contact and Personal Info.” Click the pencil icon next to it.

3. Add Websites

See that  “+ Add website URL”? That’s where you will add additional websites you want a backlink to. You can have up to three different sites in your portfolio:


Then, Google knows to include these sites in your site’s backlink profile. It works when you every time it is linked in a post on LinkedIn. Right, when you go to the homepage of LinkedIn you are redirected to the feed. When you write an article with your website linked, it counts as a backlink.