SEO strategy 

SEO steategy is process of organizing a websites content -which helps search engines (on Google)  when user's intent to search something by optimizing a web page around topics, then keywords.

You can increase your expertise in search engine and rank well for  keywords related to that topic.

What is an SEO?

 Search engine optimization are people who optimize websites to help them show up higher on search engines and gain more & more "organic website traffic.An SEO is a highly specialized content strategist, and helps a business discover opportunities to answer questions people have about the industry via search engines.

SEO strategist can focus on:
  • On-page SEO: The Onpage SEO focus on the content that's "on the page," and how to optimize that content to help boost the website's ranking for specific keywords.
  • Off-page SEO: Offpage SEO focuses on the links that are directing to the website from elsewhere on the internet. The number of "backlinks," and the publishers carrying those links, that link to your website help you build trust in the eyes of a search engine. This causes your website to rank higher as a result.
  • Technical SEO: This SEO focuses on a website's architecture, examining the backend of that website to see how each webpage is "technically" set up. Google cares as much about the code of a website as it does its content, making this speciality quite important to a website's search engine ranking.